Well, at least today I am. I recently introduced my daughter to Rainbow Brite via YouTube. She's a big fan, as, I imagine, all daughters of the 80s were. So today, another cold snowy one in Jersey, she and I were busy playing with everything we could find in our basement playroom. She was pretending some multi-colored toy was Rainbow Brite when this idea hit me.
"Do you want to make a Rainbow Brite project with me?"

We made this wide, quilted belt. Naomi chose the fabric scraps from our color coded bags. And we appliqued a big star onto the front; it's Rainbow's magical star button that "shoots rainbows out" when she's on a quest to save Rainbowland. (Unfortunately, I did not have any velcro in my notions stash. So it closed with a safety pin until our run to Michael's this afternoon.) When I trimmed the belt to make it the right size, she discovered that the scrap piece made a perfect wristband! I knew there was a reason I never threw scraps away...

My happy child wore this belt all day, first over the above pictured nightgown, which looked all starry and bright, then later over her usual Rainbow Brite-ish outfit of mismatched everything. Now she's fast asleep wearing it over her mismatched pajamas, wrist band and all, dreaming of wearing it to school tomorrow.

I love, love, love it! How's Marc feel about all the mismatch?