Monday, December 13, 2010

Rosette Barrettes

As usual, I cannot peruse the Purl Soho craft blog without stumbling across at least one project I feel compelled to make. A few weeks ago it was their January 2010 post on Rose Barrettes. It looked like a cute project, and one that would be doable while sitting on the couch with a baby sleeping on my legs. (Crochet is another project of that ilk, which might explain my recent prolific hat making.)

Purl has a link to the template on their site, and the directions are very easy to follow. My only suggestion: I needed to use a pliers to pull the needle through the thickest layers of felt.
Start by cutting out all pieces of the template. Arrange them on your felt, and pin into place.
After cutting a few sets of pieces, I tried to figure out how to get as many roses from my little felt squares as possible. (This layout gave me three flowers and two barrettes.)
After cutting out the pieces, roll up the center strip to make the rosebud, and you can begin sewing.
The rest of the directions are at the Purl Bee.

These came out so cute, and my daughter, who normally resists hair clips of any kind, loves the big flowers. The clip becomes less strong when thickened by the felt. I might try to make a few with a bigger clip or a different kind all together. Other than that, and my random pliers tip, I like these just as they are. In fact, I've got another batch of felt pieces all prepped and ready to go.

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