Friday, July 30, 2010

Round #2

On the way home from day care Naomi requested that we make rainbow popsicles. Feeling up for the challenge this is the line-up we arranged:

Cran-apple juice, pureed cantaloupe, lemonade, pureed kiwi, pureed blackberry with a bit of added agave nectar.

While the kiwi puree looked nice, and gave solid green color that I'm not sure how else to generate, it was disappointing frozen. I'm not sure why, maybe it needed to be thinned with some lemonade or something else that would make it lighter. I'll work on that.

Rainbow pops are a success!Lemonade pops with a kiwi base and strawberry hearts. I need to work on my technique for getting the fruit positioned right, but these looked pretty cute.

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